It's a happy day in Hooterville, mom's biopsy came back all-clear! She'll have to come back every 2 months for catscans but that's definitely something we're cool with.
Bird watching with friends. |
The 2ww proved fruitless and presently you can find me clutching a heating pad and cursing my uterus. Back to the drawing board in a few weeks, a year and a half has gone by. Friends have been pregnant and had their children while we've been trying...that really blows my mind.
Little Miss is great. She's such an awesome person and so loving these days. She asked me if my tummy hurt yesterday and when I responded "yes"...she ran off to get her doctor kit. She checked my blood pressure, checked her pager, used tiny scissors to cut my nails and looked in my ear. Followed by a quick check of my heart...
"Mummy all better now?"
How could I not be just a little better? <3
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